Fedora, JBoss, Linux, Red Hat

Videos from Developer Conference 2012

All talks at Developer Conference 2012, that took place in Brno on February 17 and 18th, were recorded and we’ve started releasing videos. You can find them in our channel at Blip.tv. Although Blip.tv provides videos in OGV format, too, I don’t know how to make them available to viewers.  If Flash player is banned on your computer you might want to go to fedora.cz where we publish the video in articles and include links to OGV files. The first article with desktop talks has been published there.

For presentation slides go to the conference’s wiki page. We attached there all slides we’d received.

4 thoughts on “Videos from Developer Conference 2012

  1. Looks like blip.tv dropped support for video downloads, multiple formats, HTML5 and all the other nice features from their UI and kept only Flash. 😦 Yuck! I hate web app “improvements”!

    But a way to get at the .ogg (should be .ogv, but whatever…) is to use cclive.

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